50 Very Unique Facts That’s Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

If you are into trivia then this is the post for you! I love learning new things that I never knew I didn’t know! You never know when you might need this information.  Have you ever seen that show on TV where people go to get their hair cut and they are ambushed into a TV trivia show? If that happens to you then reading this might just help you win $10,000! Or even more if you use this easy learned info before going on the TV show 1 vs 100 or Who wants to be a millionaire (is that show even still being taped?). The point is, you should absorb as much pointless information as you can because it might just make you rich someday! Here are 50 Trivia facts that you can add to your repertoire of information stored in your head!

1.  JK Rowling, the author of the “Hairy Potter” Series donated so much money that she is no longer a billionaire. I absolutely loved her more when I found this out! If only there were more people who were as charitable. It makes me want to support all her writing endeavors.


2. Bubble Wrap was intended to be used as 3D wallpaper… Maybe they had plans to use it for children that could benefit from padded walls. But I don’t think it would last long since bubble wrap is simply irresistible to popping.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

3. Movie popcorn is more expensive than Filet Mignon when compared ounce per ounce.  And in my mind it tastes just as good, and I like a good steak! I recommend sprinkling Reece’s Pieces in your popcorn so you get salty and sweet with each bite.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

4. Swearing when you hurt helps the pain go away! Now that you know this is fact, swear away.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

5. Ireland donates a pint of Guinness beer of you donate a pint of blood. Apparently they stand by the company’s slogan that Guinness is good for you.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

6. White-faced Capuchin Monkeys say high by fingering each other’s noses! Thank goodness humans dropped that trait when we evolved.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

7. In 1958 Robert G. Heft was the high school student who designed the current US flag for a school project when he was 17 years old. He got  a B-  on the project. That just goes to show that teachers aren’t always the best judge of these type of things.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

8. Alexander the Great was a smart man who saw the dangers of facial hair during battle so he encouraged his men to shave. I wonder if I can convince my husband that this is some sage advice!

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

9.  Before Danny Devito’s break out role in Taxi, he used to make the dead’s hair look fabulous for their funerals!  I guess someone had to do it, but I think he might enjoy his current job better.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

10. The United States spends nearly $700,000,000,000.00 on defense which is more than the following 17 nations added together! I won’t get political here, but I think the USA needs to revamp some things…

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

11. Bill Gates is going to donate $77,045,000,000.00 to charity upon his death. That will still leave his descendants over $4 Billion Dollars, which would be more than enough to live on. I love this.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

12. 7k people die every year because of poor handwriting. We used to joke about doctor’s taking classes on how to write poorly, but I guess it’s not a joke to those 7k people.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

13. One of the best things that came about due to WWII! Nutella! Thank goodness that pastry maker wanted to extend his chocolate supply.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

14. De Beers has an awesome ad agency since people stand by this rule of spending 2 months salary on a ring.  Thank goodness I was able to convince my husband I don’t like big rings because he kept putting off proposing until he could afford something bigger…

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

15.  The average cloud weighs over a million pounds.  This one boggles the mind. How can clouds weigh that much when they float around the atmosphere?

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

16. Women in medical school was a joke! Elizabeth Blackwell proved the joke was on them by not only doing well but opening a functioning practice and paving the way for more women to become doctors!

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

17. The veins in your body can stretch around the world more than twice if you lined them up end to end.  The human body is miraculous in its complexity.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

18. Thank goodness to a $40 late fee for inspiration Reed Hastings to invent Netflix.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

20. Oxford University has been teaching student since 1096 AD whereas the Aztec Empire began in the 13th century (and ended in 1521 AD).

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

21. Tsutomu Yamaguchi had to have been one of the luckiest and unluckiest men in the world to survive not one but two atomic bomb drops (in Hiroshima and then Nagasaki) in two days.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

22. There are inspirational quotes floating around the internet saying women shouldn’t be ashamed of their body since Marilyn Monroe wasn’t tiny and yet she was known as one of the sexiest women in the world… unfortunately those quotes are wrong. She really was tiny. That’s not to say full-figured women can’t be beautiful. Just don’t use Marilyn as an example of that…

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

23. George Lazenby lied his way into the role of James Bond. I guess that just showed how good an actor he truly was.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

24. You are more likely to be bitten by a New Yorker than by a shark. Remind me to stay away from the Big Apple.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

25. Chuck Feeney is another extremely giving ex- billionaire that donated all but $2,000,000 to help under privileged kids get college educations.  I love this.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

26. London had a weirdo running around their city spanking people with a rod and yelling “Spanko!” It just goes to show that there are strange people in every day and age.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

27. The sun and moon only look like they are the same size because the moon is the perfect distance from the earth in comparison to how much smaller it is to the sun.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

If the moon was further away or closer to the earth than it is it would appear larger or smaller than the sun.

28. The Glass Winged Butterfly has transparent wings which helps avoid predators. I love colorful butterflies but I think this is now my favorite.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

29. In 1948 Mahatma Gandhi would have won the Nobel Peace Prize if he hadn’t died. Instead it went to no one. Personally, I think they should have awarded it to him posthumously and had the money that goes with the price donated to a charity in his name.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

30. Excite could have bought Google for $1,000,000 in 1999 but they turned it down. They probably wish they could go back in time because it’s now worth nearly $365,000,000.00.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

31. Saint Patrick’s day is known for heavy drinking because it was meant to be a break from Lent where food and alcohol consumption was restricted.  If you’re going to cheat, might as well cheat big.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

32. Grasshopper Mice use scorpion stings as pain management making scorpions a favored treat.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

33. Guinness was loyal to their employees who chose to join the war efforts during WWI, paying half their salary and ensuring they had jobs to come back to.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

34. Pigs were the answer against war elephants in ancient warfare. Elephants were afraid of pigs, especially when the pigs were set on fire. Poor little piggies.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

35. Jeremiah Clarke’s life must have sucked if he was that set about killing himself and even a coin flip wouldn’t work for him. Personally I think he should have seen the results of the coin toss as a sign not to kill himself at all instead of just choosing another method.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

36. Once again, more proof that beards are dangerous. Beards are tripping hazards and can kill you.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter
50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

38. Wolves have twice the jaw strength as a German Shepherd, and people wonder why Wolves are often banned as pets. A wolf is not a dog.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

39. In 1993 it was decided that police officer Bob Geary was allowed to carry his ventriloquist’s dummy when on patrol. Why not? It might just throw criminals off, helping prevent crime.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

40. To prevent people from ignoring the Holocaust and brushing it off as fake Dwight D Eisenhower made sure everything was photographed and documented.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

41. People don’t realize that birds, especially the big birds like the Scarlet Macaw, are not only a life-time commitment but will most likely be passed down to your kids when you die.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

42. Pepsi got out of a lawsuit when a man claimed to have found a mouse in his Mountain Dew by proving that he couldn’t have found one because the mouse would have dissolved.  

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

43. Roy C Sullivan is another incredibly unlucky man who disproves the saying lightning never strikes the same place twice by being struck seven times in 35 years.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

44. Frank Hayes won a horse race after he died in 1923! That’s a good horse.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

45.  Babies suck the life right out of you by killing your ability to sleep. I know this because I had a baby in January 2014 and a baby in February 2015 so I haven’t had a good nights sleep in over a year and a half.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

46.  The government pays people to be on social media every day.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

47. If money costs twice as much to make as it’s worth, is it really worth making? Maybe we should get rid of pennies and nickels.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

48.  Wasabi Mist can save lives! Japanese creators use this mist to alert the hearing impaired to fire.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

49. PS4 cost almost $400 to make. This is disappointing news since I planned on waiting for the cost to drop before getting one for my family.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

50. After shooting each other out of the sky the survivors of a British and German airplane in WWII worked together to help each other survive and became life long friends.

50 Very Unique Facts That's Guaranteed To Make You A Little Smarter

There’s just something about learning new things that makes you feel accomplished for the day. So now that you have met your quota of learning 50 more trivia factoids you can go tell you friends all about it. And hopefully you can use this newfound information to win money on a game show someday!

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